Monday, July 27, 2020

7 Upskill HR Courses for SPHR Certified Professionals - Workology

7 Upskill HR Courses for SPHR Certified Professionals - Workology Finding SPHR Recertification Credits in Upskill HR by Workology Not signed up for Upskill HR yet? Click here to learn how we make HR recertification and on-demand learning easy. As a certified HR professional myself, recertification is a challenge: especially when it comes to SPHR, GPHR and California PHR certifications. I never, ever, ever want to have to take those tests again so I work hard to maintain my credentials through education. Its important for me in my continuing HR education to want to push myself and go beyond the standard run-of-the-mill topics. While I want to maintain my certification, I also want to push myself to be a more well-rounded HR professional. Finding SPHR Recertification Credits in Upskill HR by Workology Its because of that and my own SPHR designation that Ive taken special care to collect and focus on business recertification-specific courses in Upskill HR. While we have over 25 courses and counting, here are 7 of my favorites. They are a mix of podcasts and webinars for you to watch at a time thats convenient for you. 1. Why You Need Happy Employees and How to Get Them 1.0 Business Credit In this tight job market, employee engagement, retention and hiring the happiest and most productive workers is on every recruiter and hiring manager’s mind. In this webcast, we will discuss tactics and strategies for hiring happy employees, how to keep them, and how to understand the science behind engagement, motivation and happiness. This webinar is especially critical for managers to understand since they interface with most of your employees every single day.  Click here to access the course. 2. Elevate Your Good Faith Recruiting Efforts with Digital 1.0 Business Credit Not a week doesn’t go by where you hear news about an organization who isn’t diverse among their STEM employees, board members or staff. For companies, being diverse is serious business. For companies who are federal contractors, having a strong diversity program is part of their corporate obligations. And for companies who don’t meet those corporate obligations, the result can be costly and time-consuming with settlement costs ranging from $165,000 to $1.8 million not to mention countless audits, meetings and time spent on additional paperwork for alleged violations according to BLR. Learn how to embrace diversity recruiting focused on the larger business plan and strategy in addition to your federal DOL and OFCCP requirements.  Click here to access the course. 3. Understanding Workforce and HR Metrics 1.0 Business Credits This presentation looks at how data, metrics and workforce analytics are used by senior business decisions at the executive level in terms of making significant organizational decisions. We will discuss how data science, statistics and its analysis impact human capital and can be used to make critical business decisions including growth, expansion and location closures to drive the future success and/or survival of the business. Big data and the use of workforce metrics, measurements and analytics grows in importance for HR and recruiters looking to explain a business case for what they do. This webinar will provide foundational information, common metrics and best practices in using HR metrics and analytics to establish a baseline of performance, develop your human capital strategies, and communicate your department’s value in a way that resonates with your CEO and leadership team.  Click here to access the course. 4. How to Measure Success in Employment Branding Analytics 1.0 Business Credits Employment branding is all the rage these days, but it’s more than the number of followers on your Twitter account or number of views on your latest YouTube video. Learn how to leverage analytics and dashboard metrics to support as well as elevate your employment branding efforts while also aligning them with the larger recruitment and business branding strategy. Learn how to communicate and report your efforts to your CEO while working with marketing and operations demonstrating the larger impact on your employment branding efforts and how your analytics helps unify the entire businesses efforts from employee retention and engagement efforts to marketing and customer acquisition that aligns with branding and long-term business strategies.  Click here to access the course. 5. Strategic HR and How to Think Like a CEO Podcast 1.0 Business Credits This collection of podcasts talks with former HR senior leaders who are providing insight into what it takes to be the CHRO and how to best engage and build relationships with members of the executive team. It’s not just about thinking like a CEO. It’s about building relationships while speaking the language of your leadership peers.  Click here to access the course. 6. Recruiting Innovation Starts with Process Podcast 1 Business Credits This two-podcast bundle takes a look at how to innovate in recruitment, starting with processes and establishing a foundation to increase candidate quality while also focusing on employee retention and culture fit at your company.  Click here to access the course. 7. Powerful Veterans and Diversity Recruiting Best Practices 1.0 Business Credits The move towards recruiting diverse and veteran job seekers is growing as companies look for better ways to reach a targeted group of job seekers to increase company revenues and productivity. This group of eligible workers skills and experience are as complex as is the workforce recruiting and employment development plan for reaching, training and retaining these diverse and former military employees. Learn how diversity and veteran recruiting serves multiple purposes as part of your affirmative action plan, good PR and most importantly, your effort to recruit experienced and diverse professionals to your company. Learn best practices from companies including large enterprise organizations that have robust and active diversity and veteran recruiting strategies. Hear from our experts on what works, what doesn’t, and how these recruiting efforts have positively impacted their company. The results may just surprise you.  Click here to access the course. The Upskill HR by Workology system has 65+ courses available and counting for all your HR recertification needs. We offer monthly, annual and team plans. Not signed up for Upskill HR yet? Click here to learn how we make HR recertification and on-demand learning easy. Access more Upskill HR Resources: Welcome to Upskill HR. How to Access and Where To Go?   How to Select Courses in Upskill HR 5 Upskill HR Podcasts To Listen To HR Recertification Basics How to Cancel Your Subscription to Upskill HR by Workology Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar Añadir a la guía de conversación No hay listas de palabras para Inglés - Español Crear una nueva lista de palabras Copiar

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Best Advice I Ever Heard From a Career Coach

The Best Advice I Ever Heard From a Career Coach Im regularly requested quest for new employment counsel, and maybe the No. 1 solicitation I get is, What sort of occupation would it be advisable for me to look for? As a mentor, more often than not, I answer this inquiry â€" and other customer questions â€" with my very own issue: Why? The vast majority of us have all that could possibly be needed individuals in our lives offering their sentiments, regardless of whether we need them to or not. My objective isn't to be one of those individuals. Im of the conviction that we as of now have huge numbers of the appropriate responses we look for. We basically ask others when we need affirmation â€" covertly, obviously. That is not an unadulterated fact of the matter, however a bigger number of times than not, this is the situation. So â€" back to the pursuit of employment question. I continue to get some information about the thing they would accomplish for nothing. I need them to mention to me what theyre extremely enthusiastic about. Generally, that is not the appropriate response they need, however it makes a vital discussion that an occupation searcher may some way or another maintain a strategic distance from. Its a discussion about qualities. What is your center conviction? Whats the genuine explanation you need an occupation in any case? Is it the cash? Probably not. Is it the title? Probably not. Albeit some would contend that point, the fact of the matter is much deeper than this. Lets take a higher education, for instance. In the event that you have one, for what reason did you seek after it in any case? Was it to get the degree? Not a chance. Not so much. Was it for the order of finishing the program? In no way, shape or form. (Provided that this is true, we have to talk!) No, you sought after that degree because of the things to which it would give you get to. Ideally, you see where Im going with this. Your center conviction is the shared factor behind all of what you do. Revealing Your Core Beliefs I met with a youngster in the no so distant past who was keen on seeking after a profession in private land. I asked him for what valid reason he picked land. He said it was a direct result of the cash. I said I didnt trust him. I revealed to him that wasnt the genuine explanation. I inquired as to whether he was focused on land. His answer was, Yes. He said theres the chance of earning substantial sums of money. I concurred, yet didnt trust it was about the cash. Inside a couple of moments, as I kept on posing examining inquiries, we got to the genuine explanation. This youthful man wanted to make a way of life for his family where he would have the option to send his youngsters to the best schools, offer his significant other the choice of picking her own profession, and take family relaxes. He needed opportunity and adaptability. Thats what he was focused on â€" accommodating his family. Land was just the vehicle. At the point when I inquired as to whether it must be land, he said it didnt must be. Whats the Point? In the first place, you have to get clear on what youre genuinely dedicated to. More than likely, the activity is only the vehicle. Being productively utilized is significant, however a vocation is much more than that. Being purposeful about the greater picture may give you the fortitude to pick all the more capably. Is it true that you are picking something that will basically cover the tabs? Assuming this is the case, comprehend that is the thing that your activity is for: simply taking care of the tabs Is it for the chance to sharpen your skills, be tested, and grow your insight? At that point youre laying boards on the way to the qualities to which youre at last dedicated. Whats your (life) plan? Rather than taking a gander at a vocation or occupation as a different issue, you should fuse your calling completely into your life. Regardless of whether you are a worker or own a business, the greater part of your waking minutes will be spent working. Why not invest that energy accomplishing something you appreciate? As has been said commonly previously, in the event that you pick an occupation you love, and you will never work a day in your life. That sounds truly great to me. Reginald Jackson is an official and administration mentor and the author of Joyful Satisfaction Coaching.

Monday, July 13, 2020

We save you 5 minutes

We spare you 5 minutes We spare you 5 minutes Shorter adaptation of todays WSJ article, Midsize Law Firms Pick Up Clients as Companies Turn From Pricey Giants:Lately, numerous organizations are recruiting generally littler law offices, as opposed to enormous, esteemed law offices. Since the littler firms are typically less expensive. [Come to consider it, you just truly need to peruse the headline.] - posted by brian

Monday, July 6, 2020

How a Google expert manages his Gmail email account

How a Google master deals with his Gmail email account How a Google master deals with his Gmail email account There isn't only one approach to deal with your inbox, and in case you're in any way similar to me, there's presumably opportunity to get better on that front. Heaps of room but not a great deal of room (hi, such a large number of new emails).So I realized I could take in some things from JR Raphael, the innovation columnist who is as often as possible discovered covering everything Google and Android for Fast Company and Computerworld. He distributes the week after week Android Intelligence bulletin offering a goldmine of proposals and down to earth tips.JR generous gave a peep inside his arranged inbox for a meeting with The Gmail Genius. A few features from the trade follow.When you open an email, don't simply let it sit thereWhile giving a once-over of his every day email steering, JR noticed, My brilliant standard is to never open an email twice and never leave a thing in my inbox past a solitary day.I'm in no way, shape or form immaculate about that, yet it's what I endeavor to achieve.He says he attempts to just have his inbox open for an hour or two in the first part of the day, a speedy square after lunch, and another in the late evening. He likewise admitted to one last inbox meeting before the finish of the night.My objective each time-at whatever point I take a gander at my inbox, truly is to process everything that is there. That doesn't really mean I answer each email immediately, he said. Rather, he proposes taking one of three activities inside a couple of moments of taking a gander at a message: File it - if the message doesn't require any reaction or activity. React to it - particularly in the event that I can do as such in a moment or less. (And afterward chronicle it.) Nap it - on the off chance that it requests a degree of thought or reaction I can't get the opportunity to immediately. I may rest it for soon thereafter, soon thereafter, or a month not far off, contingent upon when I think I'll be in a decent situation to manage it. Super-explicit cautions can helpJR recognizes that email notices are the foe of profitability. In any case, at times, alarms can be helpful - and even give tranquility of mind.Most of us get probably a few messages that genuinely request our quick consideration, regardless of whether they're a small portion of the aggregate, he wrote in his Computerworld section. In any case, with a tiny piece of custom-tuning, you can set things up so that your most earnest approaching messages will caution you - and everything else will stand by pleasantly in your inbox without shouting for moment investigation. In the article, he depicts how to set up a channel in Gmail and afterward design it your Android gadget to just tell you about the messages sent to that label.Bet you didn't have any acquaintance with you can modify the rest timeNotification customizations are just a hint of something larger. Setting aside the effort to alter Gmail's highlights as per your own rhythms and inclinations is vi tal to applying power over your inbox - and not letting it control you.Another accommodating - and profoundly underutilized - setting to modify is the default nap time for a message. You wouldn't realize it by glancing anyplace in Gmail itself, however you can really modify the particular time of day every choice uses, JR said.He clarifies: Open up Google Keep and snap the Settings choice in its left-hand menu. See the area marked Tweak your update defaults, with decisions for morning, evening, and night? Change those occasions to whatever occasions you like. On the off chance that you need messages you rest for Tomorrow to appear at 10 a.m., for example, set that as your morning time. On the off chance that you need messages rested for Later today to appear at 5 p.m., 6 p.m., or 11:47 p.m., set your night time in like manner. When you hit spare, you'll see Gmail begin to utilize those new occasions inside its default rest proposals. Supportive, right?!For extra next-level tips, certainly investigate how you can tweak these generally secret Gmail settings. Tinker however much you might want, yet whatever you do, quit sorting out your inbox into organizers. I'll leave you with JR's shrewd words on that, As an astute virtual princess once stated, let it go. Quit stressing over arranging the entirety of your approaching email and simply power through it. At that point, when you have to discover something later on, search.When she's not talking with individuals about their email habits, Jaclyn Schiff is a specialist who adores considering making the plunge at the convergence of media, partnerships, and content. Her composing has secured themes extending from human services advancement to venture out spending tips to computerized wanderers. She's had bylines at NPR, HuffPost, AllAfrica, Thought Catalog, The Muse, Modern Healthcare and others.