Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Size Doesnt Matter Decorating Your First Dorm Room

Size Doesnt Matter Decorating Your First Dorm Room Starting college life is a new and exciting experience for anyone leaving home. Youll be on your own, likely getting to enjoy a large campus, and meeting plenty of people from across the country. You may only be spending time in your cramped dorm room to sleep and get ready for the day. You are going to want to make the most of the new space. Everyone can use a few  decorating and organizing tips, especially when moving into a tiny college room. Getting creative and economical are key ways to avoid a cramped and messy room. Here are some ideas for getting settled in and setting up your dorm to provide a relaxing and fun space in which to live and study. Wise Credit Card Use Making big purchases, like furniture and electronics, may require the use of a credit card. Banks and credit card companies love getting college students lined up with cards because of their minimal credit history. While it is more valuable to stay away from using these, it may be the only option if you have no leftover funds. When making purchases with credit cards, you will need  your personal information safe  and secure. Investing in an identity theft protection service like  LifeLock  to protect yourself from identity theft will prove to be priceless. This valuable tip will give you peace of mind, helping you to keep extra stress down during an important time in your college life. Wants and Needs Dont take a lot of basic supplies with you.  Dorm rooms are small, and a years supply of laundry detergent, water, shampoo or other basics will add loads of clutter. Take only a single container of each item and make use of the local grocery store when you run out. Ignore some of the things youve seen in home fashion magazines. Futons and lounge chairs are not going to fit. Colleges also dont rent furniture storage units. Whatever wont go in the room will have to go home with mom and dad or be thrown away. Remember that dorm beds are usually extra-long twins. Make sure to buy XL twin sheets to use with them. Its a good rule of thumb to spend a little extra on sheets, rather than go for the $10 special on sheets that feel like construction paper. Youre going to be sleeping on these for nine months; comfort is key. Channel Your Inner Designer Try some  feng shui techniques  to improve your academic success and increase peace with your roommate. A bowl of rice and sea salt, changed monthly, is said to be good for harmony. Avoid putting a mirror across from a doorway or in a place where a person laying in the bed will get a clear view of their face. In a partially-asleep state, youll be shocked to see a face looking back at you. By the time you wake up enough to recognize yourself, your sleep will be ruined. Keep It Together Keep everything well organized. This will help your thoughts remain clear and help improve your grades. Best of all, simple chores like putting your clothes away help to clear your mind and center your thoughts for the rest of the day. Invest in some plastic bins for your clothes and school supplies. The last thing you want is to go back to your messy dorm after a long day of studying and lectures. By being prepared and knowing what to expect, your transition to a dorm room will be as stress-free as possible and youll be able to concentrate on the more important aspects of the college experience: having fun while taking your education to the next level. 1

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